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VILJOENSDRIFT. - Three people here were left injured this afternoon (Monday, 15 January), including a three-year-old child, when a truck rear-ended a light motor vehicle.

The incident occured on the R59 near the Deneysville turnoff in Viljoensdrift.

"ER24 paramedics arrived on the scene to find the light motor vehicle and truck on the side of the road. The occupants from both vehicles were found walking around on the scene.

Paramedics assessed the patients and found that the two young and three-year-old child, from the light motor vehicle, had sustained only minor injuries. The driver of the truck fortunately escaped injury,"said ER24 Spokesperson, Russell Meiring.

Paramedics treated the patients and transported one woman and the child to a nearby provincial hospital for further care. The remaining patient was transported to a hospital privately.

Local authorities were on the scene for further investigations.

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