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VAAL TRIANGLE. - Refuse removal was given a major boost when the executive mayor, clr Lehana Khawe joined the waste management team to clean up the city.

Areas such as S.E.1, S.E.7, C.W.5 Business route on industries and Northern areas above barrage road were completed today. This included cleaning of the illegal dumping sites in Bophelong. Staying to true to his inauguration commitment, he has declared every fortnight , Thursday, to be the days in which he will lead his management to clean the city.The idea is to demonstrate to the municipality that through better work ethic, commitment and dedication, they can still render better services to the people although with limited financial resources.Tomorrow, the waste management team will continue to do refuse removal in SE3, SE4 , SW1, SW2 and CW areas until over the weekend. Normal services should resume as all areas have been normalised. Meanwhile, other areas will still witness normal services continue although they may not be in full force. The municipality is doing everything possible to bring the situation to normality.The municipality is appealing to all communities to desist from illegal dumping. Illegal dumping contributes immensely to health challenges, rodents, flies and mosquitoes in areas. Every residents has the responsibility to keep our cities, townships and environment clean. HELP your municipality, clean your city. Help your mayor to keep your city clean!

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