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HEIDELBERG. - The South African Police Services here are looking for a Xhosa-speaking man known as Ngungubane to help assist them in the investigation of the death of Mr Nhlapo.

It is alleged that the old blind man was not seen for some weeks and his decomposed body was only discovered on Saturday (January 20).

Nlapo is from Duduza, but stayed in the shack at an old mining house in Plein Street, Rensburg.

Police are looking for Ngungubane, who took care of Nhlapo.

Ngungubane is estimated to be 1.4 m tall with a dark complexion and a mustache. He was last seen early in December in Plein Street, but is believed to be from Extension 23 in Ratanda.

If you know anything about the whereabouts of Ngungubane, please contact Heidelberg Detectives on 016 341 0400 or Heidelberg Police Station on 016 341 0372.

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